Breast Cancer: American Breast Cancer Foundation
1220 B East Joppa Rd., Suite 332
Baltimore MD 21286
If you are in need of financial assistance for a mammogram call: 877-539-2543
The CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation
For Breast Cancer Co-Pay assistance
Further assistance can be found at:
Cancer Care (National)
We know the financial burden of cancer can be great. So, for more than 60 years, we have provided limited grants for certain expenses related to treatment. Our financial assistance program is one of the longest running and best regarded in the country. CancerCare at 1-866-552-6729 for more information.
The CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation
In order to qualify, you need to provide CancerCare with information about your income, savings and expenses, and in some cases provide invoices for the cost of service. Your healthcare professional must also provide information on your cancer.
Download our financial assistance application in English:
Application: http://media.cancercare.org/financial/financial_assist_app_en_2014-10-09.pdf
Sources of Financial Assistance: http://www.cancercare.org/pdf/fact_sheets/fs_financial_en.pdf
Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition
A coalition of financial assistance organizations joining forces to help cancer patients experience better health and well-being by limiting financial challenges.
Chronic Disease Fund
Provides help obtaining medications for the following conditions: Breast Cancer Colorectal Cancer Multiple Myeloma Myelodysplatic Syndrome (MDS) Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Pancreatic Cancer.
Healthwell Foundation
The HealthWell Foundation® is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 2003 that is committed to addressing the needs of individuals with insurance who cannot afford their copayments, coinsurance, and premiums for important medical treatments. Our vision is to ensure that no patient goes without health care because they cannot afford it.
Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Co-pay Assistance Program for certain types of cancers. Assistance up to $5000 is available for the following:
Needy Meds
Has information on low-cost medicine and healthcare assistance programs. Not a patient assistance program, and does not supply medicine or financial assistance.
New Mexico Association for Home and Hospice Care
Joie Glenn, Exec. Director, joieg@nmahc.org
Phone: 505-889-4556
Fax: 505-889-4928
The New Mexico Association for Home and Hospice Care serves its membership through advocacy, networking, education and communication by promoting success and best practices for home care, hospice and related home health support services.
New Mexico Drug Card
A FREE Drug Discount Card being offered to ALL New Mexicans, whether or not they are insured.
For those who have insurance the insurance card and the NM Drug card can be presented and the pharmacy will inform you which would give the bigger savings. There is NO CHARGE for this card.
Patient Access Network (PAN) Foundation
866-316-PANF (7263)
Every day Patient Access Network helps thousands of underinsured patients afford the copayments for their cancer or chronic disease medications. Since October 2004, we’ve provided over $116 million in copayment assistance to more than 70,000 patients in need.
Patient Advocate Foundation
(800) 532-5274
Provides effective mediation and arbitration services to patients to remove obstacles to healthcare including medical debt crisis, insurance access issues and employment issues for patients with chronic, debilitating and life-threatening illnesses.
Partnership for Prescription Assistance
The Partnership for Prescription Assistance helps qualifying patients without prescription drug coverage get the medicines they need through the program that is right for them. Many will get their medications free or nearly free.
Patient Services Inc. (PSI)
PSI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization. For nearly two decades, PSI has helped people who live with certain chronic illnesses or conditions locate suitable health insurance coverage and access ways to satisfy expensive co-payments. PSI provides assistance with the cost of health insurance premiums associated with COBRAs, State High Risk Pools, Open enrollment, Guaranteed Issue policies, HIPAA conversion policies; and prescriptions co-payments associated with private insurance as well as with Medicare Parts B and D.
Federal Poverty Guidelines (2013 Table)
Roadrunner Foodbank
Roadrunner Food Bank distributes the food through a statewide network of over 600 emergency food pantries, group homes, low-income day care centers, shelters, soup kitchens, and six smaller, regional food banks. In turn, these organizations provide emergency food boxes, group meals, and direct distribution to approximately 240,000 low-income people each year. Individuals needing food go to the partner agency for food, not the food bank.
Toll Free: 866-327-0267
Meals on Wheels
To be eligible for the program, person must reside in Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, or Corrales. No health or income requirements, but they do ask that you receive at least 2 meals per week to maintain service. Costs and other details in website.
Office of Senior Affairs (Bernalillo County)
Dept of Senior Affairs Home-Delivered Meals: Home-delivered meals for frail homebound elderly 60+ who cannot cook for themselves and have no one available to cook for them. 505-764-6400
Quick Guide to Senior Services: http://www.cabq.gov/seniors/documents/DSA-I-A%202014%20V3%20Quick%20Guide.pdf
American Cancer Society
“Road to Recovery”
One week notice required. One week arranged at a time. Ambulatory patients only. Cancer related appointments only.
10501 Montgomery NE, Ste. 300
Albuquerque, NM 87111
Angel Flight
Provides free air transportation for patients to and from scheduled medical treatment. Patients are required to be ambulatory (able to walk and get in and out of the aircraft with little to no assistance) and be medically stable. Because the flights are free of charge, financial need is verified. Other reasons for flying with Angel Flight include living in a rural area isolated from any international airports or a patient being immuno-compromised due to treatment that they are undergoing. Angel Flights resources limit them to go no more than a 1000 nautical miles.
918-749-8992 http://www.angelflight.com/
888-500-0433 http://www.angelflightsc.org/
Anita Salas Fund- Breast & Cervical Cancer
Gas reimbursement or other related services for cancer treatment such as childcare, medications and lodging for women in rural areas who require travel for treatment.
Please call our case manager at 505-841-5896.
Catholic Charities
Cathy Aragon Marquez, Director
Free transportation service for ambulatory patients over 60 years of age only.
Call for appointment and qualification interview.
One-week advance notice required. One ride per week allowed.
(505) 724-4634
Multiple Myeloma Transportation Assistance
“Door to Door program for patients with Multiple Myeloma”
CancerCare's program provides individual grants to multiple myeloma patients for covering transportation costs such as gasoline, parking and tolls, and taxi, bus or train fare to and from their medical care.
Press release: http://www.cancercare.org/about_us/press_releases/pr_2009_07_20.php
Sample Application: http://www.cancercare.org/pdf/assist_app/MM_application_sample.pdf
Safe-Ride Services
Medicaid only.
There are many organizations that can assist cancer patients with free transportation, and many may refer you to another when they cannot help.
Casa Esperanza
Provides housing and emotional support for patients and their families who reside temporarily in Albuquerque while the patient receives treatment.
Cleaning Service
FREE Housecleaning!
Cleaning For A Reason is a nonprofit organization partnering with maid services to offer free professional house cleanings to improve the lives of women undergoing cancer treatment.
Apply Online: http://portal.cleaningforareason.org/patients/account/register
Healthcare Hospitality Network
The mission of the HHN is to support homes that help and heal to be more effective in their service to their patients and families.
New Mexico Human Services Department
Provides a broad variety of forms of assistance for Low-Income New Mexicans.
United South Broadway Corporation
Mortgage Services:
USBC's mortgage services program is dedicated to eliminating barriers to credit, capital, and homeownership for low-income New Mexicans historically excluded from the state's economic mainstream because of poverty, race, or ethnicity. We serve low-income New Mexicans whose rights have been violated under state and federal laws regulating financial institutions and lending practices, and for whom poverty is a barrier to adequate housing and access to fair credit.
HUD-approved Housing Counseling Agencies
Click on State Info, then New Mexico
Converting Life Insurance Into Income
Department of Justice Article on Bancruptcy
Harvard Study, Medical Bills lead to Bancruptcy
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (PDF)
This downloadable file is the actual Act, protecting citizens against unfair debt collection practices.
US Bankruptcy Court, District of New Mexico
Bancruptcy basics, as well as current notices
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program/PNM Good Neighbor Fund
If you are having trouble paying your heating bill, LIHEAP may be able to help. The PNM Good Neighbor Fund offers a one-time-a-year grant to help eligible participants cover part or all of an unpaid PNM Bill.
LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)
PNM Good Neighbor Fund
Last updated: 1 December 2017
First published: 17 November 2010
Copyright © 2020 - Cancer Services of New Mexico, P.O. Box 51735, Albuquerque, NM 87181-1735 | Terms & Conditions
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